Monday, June 24, 2013

Playing the Odds

Ever gambled?  Believe it or not, you do it every day.  Most of our daily wagers are calculated actions with a downside risk as a result of our propensity to avoid trouble.  Unfortunately, in this world, one cannot always avoid trouble. 

When you think about illness, injuries, accidents, storms, etc. we are not always in control.  Think about aging. Now that’ll put things into perspective when you think you’re in control. Take a look at the following statistics referring to the odds that you’ll need to be covered for a loss:

Type of Loss


Prevalence in the Market



Carried on Most Homes (Required by Lenders)



Carried on almost All Vehicles (State Law)

Major Medical


Very Prevalent/ More so in 2014 (PPACA)

Long-Term Disability


Much Less Prevalent (Mostly Employer Provided)

Need of Long-Term Care


Very Few people consider coverage


After reviewing the odds, it’s surprising that we typically don’t think about covering the issues that deliver the highest odds of potential loss.  Or, perhaps we do think about it, but, as humans, we think, “I’ll worry about that later.”  Unfortunately, later always comes with a cost.

While we are typically required to carry insurance on our largest assets, and agree with the logic to do so, we seldom think about insuring our future productivity, especially if our ability to produce was taken away.  It’s like insuring the “Golden Eggs” and neglecting to insure the “Goose” that lays them!

Additionally, we know that someday we’ll be old and potentially incapable of caring for ourselves without assistance.  It’s ok if you’re independently wealthy and can afford to pay for care in your old age, although, after years of wealth accumulation, wouldn’t it be nice to preserve that wealth for more productive purposes on behalf of your legacy?  Without wealth to see you through the later years, who will you count on for assistance?  The government will help, at least for now, and only after you’ve exhausted all other assets prior to any government assistance delivered from an approved program and facility (Ugggh!).

When gambling, sooner or later the casino wins.  The longer you gamble, the higher the odds that the house will take your money.    The game of life works in a similar manner for those who do not prepare for the future.  For those who wait too long, someone else will take your money.