Friday, March 22, 2013

Are you practicing your free throws?

It’s that time of year, when March Madness is on the horizon and the basketball season is in full swing. How many times have you witnessed a game won or lost because of a made, or missed, free throw? It’s amazing how important one of the easiest shots of the game can be and, how difficult the shot can be for so many good players.

The same can be said about managing your health care. There are many easy things you can do to insure that your health is managed properly and to assist in keeping the cost of your health care in check. Unfortunately, just like free throws, not all of us are practicing these habits as frequently as we should. Following are some simple suggestions:

· Plan to have your annual physical on a regular cycle, just like you plan other recurring events in your life. An annual physical will keep you well informed and assist you in preventing disease.

· Have your teeth cleaned at least twice per year. It is a fact that good oral hygiene can lead to a healthier physical life. Poor hygiene has been linked to many health problems and diseases.

· Have your eyes checked regularly. An eye exam not only assists you in managing better vision, it also acts as an early detection mechanism for other conditions such as, glaucoma, diabetes and hypertension, all of which can be easily managed with early detection.

· Take advantage of your wellness program. Many health insurance companies provide a wellness component as part of your health benefits. If you have a plan that has a wellness benefit, learn how to exploit the positive effects of the program. Some companies even provide discounts and awards for exercising regularly and for having your biometrics screened once per year, at no additional cost to you.

Finally, think like a manager when it comes to your health. Just like everything else that you manage, if you don’t pay attention to it, it typically deteriorates.

So, if you want to win your game, start practicing your free throws. It’s the easy shot!

Give Spin Class a Try!

Indoor cycling is a fun activity to do year round that has great benefits for the body and mind. While most gyms offer spin classes, there are also a number of stand-alone spin studios popping up in the Chicago area. This high-intensity workout attracts both novice and experienced spinners, and can serve to break the monotony of your typical workout routine.

There are lots of reasons fitness enthusiasts (and fitness rookies!) have made spin part of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Burn Calories - A cycling class is a great way to burn lots of calories in a short amount of time.

  2. Relieve Stress – The rush of endorphins will leave you feeling reenergized and accomplished. 

  3. Motivating – It’s common that spin classes last 45 – 60 minutes which is manageable to fit in most people’s schedules.  Classes are set to upbeat music and you’re able to set your own pace or follow along with the instructor.  Group settings also can bring out a competitive streak that makes some students work even harder than if they were to cycle on their own.

  4. No Experience Necessary – You don’t have to be an expert biker to start spinning. It’s a low impact workout

  5. Heart Health – Spin, just like any intense cardio, is excellent for the heart.  This helps reduce your risk for heart disease and

In a fitness rut? Concerned about bikini season? Spin class might be the workout that changes your outlook on exercise and your self-esteem.

The Importance of Vitamin D

It has been estimated that 1 in every 3 Americans is Vitamin D deficient.  Vitamin D is something both men and women should be concerned about, as it has a correlation with bone health, multiple sclerosis, certain cancers and it can boost the immunity of an expectant mother. A simple blood test would be able to show what levels you are at.

Vitamin D is essential in helping the body use calcium from your diet properly. Don’t be fooled by the outdated notion that the best and only source of this vitamin is through fortified milk. Other great sources of vitamin D include mushrooms, certain varieties of fish (catfish, salmon, mackerel, sardine, tuna, eel), eggs, and alfalfa. And of course, the exposure to sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D consumption. That is why it is especially important to be mindful of your consumption during the dark, winter season.

A Vitamin D supplement is the easiest way to add it to your daily routine. Many supplements offer the benefits of both calcium and vitamin D. Women shouldn’t wait until they are nearing old age to take a supplement of D and calcium or to augment their diets to include more of this vitamin. The benefits of these vitamins may be less consequential in postmenopausal women.

Take a quick audit of your current diet and assess your vitamin D intake; there may be room to improve!

The Benefits of Chia Seeds

When people hear the word chia they think of the popular 1990’s Chia Pet – not the popular super food that it is considered today.  Chia is a seed that comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica and is native to Mexico and Central America.  These seeds are a nutritious food source with many health benefits.

There are a few reasons why the health-conscious are jumping on the chia seed bandwagon:


  1. Allergen Free – The seeds are all natural and plant based making them nut, soy and gluten free.

  1. Stabilizing Weight – The high fiber content (4 grams per one tablespoon) will make you feel fuller faster and it is easily digestable.  Not only is fiber important for weight loss, but so is protein. The protein in chia seeds includes all 8 of the essential amino acids.

  1. Increased Energy – The seeds are low on the glycemic index. Because the seeds are said to aid in stabilizing blood sugar (high in protein and fiber) they could help prevent a crash like you would have with caffeine or sugar.

In addition, chia seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acid, which gives you another great option for consuming this important essential fatty acid.   

It’s easy to incorporate chia seeds into your diet by adding 1 - 2 tablespoons to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, salads or in baked goods. Don’t worry about making a special trip to a health food store for this popular superfood; brands commonly stocked in grocery stores, such as Bob’s Red Mill, manufacture the seeds. Trader Joe’s carries a 5.3 ounce chia seed package for only $4.99.

Consider making chia seeds a part of your healthy diet.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Why My Health Insurance Premium Is Going Up!

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, You might be wondering why health insurance companies are projecting that premiums will actually increase as a result of the act.  After all of the blabber in Washington about how great the act is for affordability, here is some detail to assist you in understanding what’s really happening.

In order to comply with the requirements issued by HHS, individual and small group plans (those with less than 50 FTEs) must adhere to the following:

·         All plans must cover the ten categories of Essential Health Benefits (EHBs):

o   Ambulatory Patient Services

o   Emergency Services

o   Hospitalization

o   Maternity and Newborn Care

o   Mental Health & Substance Abuse

o   Prescription Drugs

o   Rehabilitative & Habilitative Services/Devices

o   Lab Services

o   Preventative/Wellness Services & Chronic Disease Management

o   Pediatric Services Including Oral & Vision Care

·         Cost sharing for the aforementioned services must accumulate to the out of pocket maximum (Including copays) and no limits apply to coverage for EHBs.

·         Underwriting will no longer involve criteria that previously defined risk, such as gender, health status, group size, claims history, medical underwriting and industry.  Small groups and individuals will now only be evaluated based on geographic area, age (with a 3:1 maximum ratio), and tobacco use. This is referred to as an Adjusted Community Rating system of underwriting which will result in older people paying less and younger healthier people paying more for health insurance.

All plans (Notwithstanding the size) are subject to the following requirements:

·         No exclusions for preexisting conditions.

·         Guarantee issue and renewability (Self-Funded and Grandfathered plans excluded).

·         Expanded women’s health care coverage requirements.

·         Participation in the following taxes and fees:

o   PCORI Research Fee:

§  Known as the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute Fee, fully insured and self- insured plans will contribute $1 in 2013 and $2 in 2014-2019 (Indexed for inflation in 2015-2019). This fee is per member per year and is rolled into the premium.

o   Insurer Fee:

§  This fee is collected from health insurance providers based on net written premiums for fully insured groups.  The fee is paid annually and is a permanent levy on insurance companies.  In 2014, the fee is projected to amount to $8 Billion while it will grow to more than $14 Billion by 2018.  It is projected to be approximately 2.3% of premiums.

o   Transitional Reinsurance Fee:

§  This fee is projected to be between $5-$6 per covered life and will be levied annually between 2014 and 2016.  It is designed to distribute funds to insurers in the non-grandfathered individual market who have attracted a disproportionately larger share of high medical costs.

o   Risk Adjustment Fee:

§  This fee is a zero sum redistribution of premiums from plans that have a low risk population to those that have a higher risk population. The fee amounts to $1 per member per year for individual and small group (non-grandfathered) plans and begins in 2014.

While many of the stipulations required under the ACA are intended to improve the quality of health care, nothing that good can be free.  Sooner or later, we all pay.  There are approximately 47 new taxes affiliated with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).  We have only highlighted a few of them that directly affect health care premiums directly in this summary.   Indeed, another well intended election campaign message has flopped in its attempt to solve a bigger problem.

So who benefits?  Those that fall between 133% and 400% of the poverty level will be potentially eligible for a premium subsidy when acquiring a plan through an exchange.  That subsidy can be generous and, as a result, the rest of us will pay through the fees indicated above and through the many other taxes that the Act has levied.